Good News!!
I don't know how to say this in a clever way, so i'm just going to say it..... Last Thursday, also Valentine's day, my mission call came! Around 2:15 my mom texted me "it's here". Suddenly, I could no longer concentrate on whatever activity I was supposed to be doing in spanish class; I even told my teacher this and honestly he didn't seem too happy. I got through the rest of my classes, speed-walked home, waited for one of my roommates to get back to the apartment and then we were off! The ride up to Ogden was pretty uneventful, it was getting dark so there wasn't anything pretty to see, but thankfully it wasn't snowing. There's nothing I hate more than driving on the freeway home; it's slow going and sketchy. I wont give you all the details leading up to the opening of my call, but by the time I was ready to open it I was skyping my dad and I was surrounded by close family and friends.
Then I opened it.
And suddenly, I knew what I would be doing for 18 months of my life.
As you probably could guess from the title of my blog, I am going to Peru :) Specifically, the Peru, Lima South Mission. It's actually pretty crazy that I was called there. Currently, one of my good friends from high school is in Peru teaching children english. She will be back in Utah a couple months before I leave, (because I don't leave for five months) but I think it's cool that both of us get to experience Peru and I know both of us will have a special place in our hearts for the people there. There's something about serving people (wether it be a mission or teaching english) that creates a special love for them.
Like I said, I wont be leaving for a while, July 3rd, but I am so grateful that i'm not leaving any sooner. Many things are going on in my life and it's hard to prioritize. Obviously I need to get my passport renewed soon, apply for a visa, and send in lots of stuff for my mission, but I also have to stay caught up on my school work. Juggling school, work, mission prep, and temple prep all at once is definitely a daunting task. However, i've been so blessed these past few days with enough time to do all that i've needed to while also getting enough sleep. I keep thinking i'm going to have a mental break trying to do all that I need to, but whenever one gets close I suddenly have time to breath and relax. Sure I have a long check-list of stuff to do, but not everything needs to be done right away. There is time and I know I will be ready to teach the people of Peru when July 3rd comes around.
I'm anxious and afraid that I'll have a major culture shock when I get to Peru (did I mention I will be going straight to the Peru MTC) but I know that this is where i'm supposed to go. Despite all my feelings of inadequacy I know if i'm open to the spirit great and meaningful things can be accomplished.
Don't fret the small stuff. There is happiness everywhere.
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