Pre-mission Bucket List

  • Ride a Motorcycle

Woo, i'm done!

HA! Fooled, ya! You only thought there was one thing on there, didn't ya? On the contrary, I must tell you I didn't really have a list! 
But I did really ride a motorcycle and I can honestly say I don't have the desire to do it again at any point in the near future (the near future being the next 10 years). Lots of going and stopping. Speed bumps, literally not figuratively. Also awkward, but let's not get into that. 

Basically, I have a week left in Utah. So strange. I received my passport and travel plans in the mail today! I cried a little out of joy. Still lots to do, but I shath do it will gladness in my heart. Time really does move quickly so don't get caught up in silly things cause they aren't worth it in the end. 

With love,


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