I Could Try.... buuuuuut I Don't Know if I Want to Just Yet.

I am the prime age of 18 and in college, which in my life, means I get to go to the singles ward. I say "get" because while home for the summer I could go the my home ward (the church I grew up going to).

Singles wards back home are awkward. (Correction, all singles wards are awkward, it's their nature.) I just feel like i'm too young and not really looking for a relationship. For some reason, I just can't open up and be crazy with these people. It was so easy doing that in my ward in Provo, I was friendly and go getting, as far as getting involved went. I just really don't want to try here. Maybe it's because I know that this isn't my final destination. I'm just finding it hard to want to make friends. Sure I know it'll be better for me if I do, but for some reason it's just harder doing that here.

I think part of it is because I don't entirely feel like myself at home. I don't go out late at night to play soccer. I really just don't have friends that I hang out with regularly, and I think that's a big part of my "shyness". I feel like because I'm only here for the summer that its not really worth it to put myself out there. I don't know. It's good to get out though, even if it's slightly awkward.

I will say this though: I know i'm where I need to be right now. Listening to the lessons on sunday I definitely heard and felt what I needed to. I felt part of the ward on a deeper level.

I'm where I need to be, I just don't know if I'm ready to accept that yet.   


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