{All things must pass}

Just like a kidney stone, all things must pass. 

But, change doesn't have to be all at once.

Unlike past years, I haven't really contemplated the beginning of the new year. 
2012 was here and it passed,  and now its 2013. 
No biggie, just another day on path of life, but every year most people make a big over it. 
People are re-committed to things they never did during the last year, and there's nothing wrong with that. 
Why wait for a new year, though?
If we really want to, we can make a change right now. 

I say, oh well if its 4 days after new years, I'm going to make my goals now. Don't feel limited to change when there's a holiday about it; change and resolution can happen anytime. Make your own beginning when you're ready, but don't put it off, either. 

Life is always beginning, just in different ways. Start small, start big, it doesn't matter; just start something. 
All things must pass, but don't let your life pass without you doing something you love. 

With love, 



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