Winter 2013

Incase your looking for something to do you should go to to check out my other blog. I made it last night. I must say, i'm pretty proud of it.


The first week of classes this semester are almost over. Not going to lie, I was pretty nervous about it, the night before I couldn't really fall asleep because I kept thinking about all of the possibilities of the new semester. Now, if my good friend Alicia is reading this, you should probably skip the rest of the paragraph, I don't think you'll like it. For whatever insane reason, I decided I wanted to take calculus this semester. It's been a while since i've taken algebra or trig, so the first couple of days were rough. Unfortunately, it got a lot harder as of yesterday. Like any other rational person I was determined to push through the class, but then I realized there's no reason for me to take calculus; it's not required for my major, I don't want to go into quantitative psych anymore, and there's no reason to lower my GPA over it. So, I'm dropping calculus and taking spanish instead. It will probably be hard too, but it'll actually be something that I'm willing to go through. 

Winter semester is probably going to kill me this year, but if it doesn't i'll get some cool classes under my belt. I really hope that if you're in school you're enjoying it. Don't just take major requirements or generals, take something fun, learn something new. Explore your options. School is meant to help you grow as a person, not just to land you a career. And, talk to people in your classes, sometimes it's awkward, other times you come out of the semester with a new friend. Which reminds me, if you want to check out a cool blog, by my friend Ariel (we met in a stats class last semester) click here

Anyway, I have homework, so enjoy life, and live it well!



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