Oh the day of Tues.

If you really don't like reading rambly posts that don't really talk about anything and jump from subject to subject, you should probably stop reading now, because that's all I will be doing. 

I really like California, especially at sunset. I still am surprised that my mom let me drive to California with 3 other 18 year old girls (now that I think of it only one of us was 18, the other three girls, myself included, were 17). I so long for summer nights, long hikes, bare feet and lemonade. It's not like you can't have lemonade when its not summer, but it doesn't feel right. Know what I mean? You do? Great, glad we're on the same page. 

I'm missing fireworks this year. I just recently discovered how much I like them. Also, see that guy in the center of the picture? I love him. He's great. I don't know him, but it's meant to be; I just know it. 

I also know really great people, most of whom are on missions. People are weird, but kind of great, I guess. I mean we can't live fulfilling lonely lives, can we? But really, can we, because sometimes people are too weird. 

 I guess i'm pretty weird, though. 
I really like being weird. 

Things are much less awkward when you already know you're awkward/weird. 

Can I tell you a secret? Not a lot of people know this, so sharing it in such a public place is pretty scary and just don't judge me. 

But, I should be doing homework right now....


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